Generate AI Videos,

Create your AI Avatar

From text to AI Video, clone your self or anyone.
Train your AI Talking Avatar to chat.

Create AI Video

Free trial, no credit card required

Press play to watch an AI Video


Bring your avatar to life.
Create an AI Video from text and chat with it.

Chat with Lisa

How does EmulateMe work?

Upload Photo & Voice Note1

Upload information

Upload a profile picture and a voice note to try how your Avatar looks and sounds.


Train your Avatar

Upload text documents or use the emulateMe tool to create one.
Connect data sources.


Create AI Videos and Voice Clips & Chat with your Avatar.

Ask your Avatar any question and receive its AI answers, or write a script to create realistic videos and voice notes.

Listen to her synthetic voice!

Ask your smart avatar any question, get a realistic and reliable answer

Create my legacy
Reply from Lisa

Read emulation response

Our AI technology processes the information and creates a lifelike digital emulation

Create free AI Avatar

What you need to know about #EmulateMe


Descubre cómo funciona

Share your storieswith your Loved Ones, forever.

Personalize Your AI Avatar to Look and Sound Like You

Generate realistic videos and cloned voice speeches.
Upload information to train your Avatar and engage in conversation with it.

Try it for free
How does emulate me work?

Chat with famous and
inspiring people

What do EmulateMe
users say?

"EmulateMe brought my ancestors to life. Now my grandkids can chat with their great-grandparents. It's an amazing gift to keep our family history alive. I love this platform!"

Julia, 43 years

"I find EmulateMe super easy for creating my smart avatar. It's like a digital time capsule for my story and thoughts. Plus, the feature to upload info about my ancestors is a fantastic bonus for connecting with the past!"

David, 28 years

"I enjoy the ability to emulate myself or others; it's an exciting experience, and I feel like I'm at the forefront of something innovative that is just the beginning."

Mike, 29 years

A secure place to create
Smart Avatars


Content saved on the EmulateMe database is encrypted. All your information is secured.


Only you are able to access your Emulations and chat with them.

No Ads

We will NEVER sell your data nor display ads on our App.

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

At EmulateMe, our belief is that new technologies should be embraced and optimized, but not without ethical considerations. Our development process involves taking necessary precautions to reduce the possibility of harmful exploitation. We are fully dedicated to upholding intellectual property rights and taking action against any misuse.